This post is for Jill Rocke :0) - and anyone else who does not currently have a Facebook account.
There have been a lot of freebies and coupons offered on Facebook lately, and you have to have an act. to access these offers. A post was written by "for the mommas" on how to set up a secure, discrete Facebook account if you want in on these w/o compromising your identity.
This excerpt was taken directly from her post:
I wish I could say that Facebook coupons are going to decline, but in fact I think they will increase! So while we cannot avoid the ever growing popularity of Facebook, I can show you some quick tips to keep your information private. You do not have to join Facebook, but if you don’t, there are many promotions you will miss out on. (it is perfectly fine to miss them too if you are not comfortable!)
Companies love the ease of collection and mass marketing capabilities of Facebook. So you may want to consider a Facebook page and use the controls built in to secure your information.
1. Create an account with the minimum allowable information. If your name is Melissa A. Jones, set the account up as M.A. Jones. You do not have to put a profile picture up either. Now, you will have to give the company your mailing address for samples, but this is no different from any other free sample offer. Some people create Facebook pages for their pets. ( I am not suggesting it, just saying)
2. Remove yourself from Facebook search results - If you don’t want old croonies from high school looking you up, then simply make it impossible for them to see you.
■Go to account and then privacy settings page in upper right hand corner.
■Click on view settings under the Basic Directory Information.
■Change your settings to be friends or custom only me, depending on what is allowed. (Note: If you have no friends, no one can find you)
I do have a Facebook account, but if you look on there you will see a lot of:
Laura "likes" Kraft
Laura is a fan of Nabisco
Laura gave a "thumbs up" to Tombstone
all for the sake of a high value coupon.
What Is The Gemini Flower
1 year ago
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